Whether or not you use mediation, the following information and organisations are likely to be helpful:


Relate.org.uk  Relationship counselling.

BACP.co.uk BACP Register of counsellors

DivorceAid.co.uk Support for teenagers

DivorceAid.co.uk Support for children

FamilyLives.org.uk Advice and support on any issues affecting the family

GingerBread.org.uk For single parents

Dad.info For separated fathers


parentingpractitionersoxfordshire Children’s Space: For children to talk about the changes that are affecting them

OnePlusOneCo-parentinghub Co-parenting support,  “Getting it right for children” workshop

cafcass.gov.uk  Court advisors in children cases

SortingOutSeparation.org.uk  CAFCASS parenting plan

www.StoneWall.org.uk Guide for gay dads (see p21)

FNF.org.uk Families Need Fathers supports full involvement of both parents in children’s lives

Child Maintenance

CMOptions.org How to agree child maintenance

gov.uk Child maintenance calculator


EntitledTo.co.uk  Benefits calculator

CitizensAdvice.org.uk Free advice on debt, benefits and more

Judiciary.uk financial-needs How courts approach finances on divorce

PensionsAdvisoryService.org.uk  Pension options on divorce

Divorce, Dissolution And Separation

gov.uk The Divorce Process

SortingOutSeparation.org.uk All aspects of relationship breakup

DivorceAid.co.uk Law and finances

AdviceNow.org.uk Information for unmarried couples

StoneWall.org.uk For those in same sex relationships

Domestic Abuse

ReducingTheRisk.org.uk Support in Oxfordshire

WomensAid.org.uk  For women experiencing / surviving Domestic Abuse

Mankind.org.uk For men experiencing Domestic Abuse


BarCouncil.org.uk Booklet preparing ‘Litigants in Person’ for court.

Supportthroughcourt.org Help with court and submitting paperwork, including a helpline to call

Ministry of Justice videos:

What to consider before a court application
What to expect at court, including terminology and FAQs